Well, it's 10:41 PM but this is the only time I've had to get a chance to write. So now for an update with the family. Colton, Liam, and I are doing great!! I should start with saying that.... WE GOT OUR OWN PLACE!! :) We are now in a beautiful 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment. It is on the top floor with no one on either side of us and has an awesome balcony! The view outside is beautiful and it really just feels like home!
Colt got a new job, A great new job too! He's now working at Murdock Chevy as an auto body tech. It is SO awesome because he now literally works like RIGHT down the street from home so he can stay longer for lunch and he gets home right after work and it has saved us a lot with gas money for him. It has been so nice to see him come home less stressed and enjoying what he does again! This place has been so great for him with benefits, better money, and all around great people. He is doing what they call something of a "training" period for now where they help train him any where from 6 months to a year, how ever much time he needs and there is no rushing him. He just seems so happy and therefore, I'm pretty darn happy too! :)

That brings me to my favorite part of my life these days, Liam! My goodness he has grown and is such a fun little guy to be around. Just so everyone knows (This is going to be the part of my blog where I brag about the cool things Liam is doing now)

Liam is....
-Four months and three weeks old (so yeah, basically almost five months lol)
-Eating oatmeal, (really really good I might add too, and a lot of it!)
-Wearing size 2 diapers
-Rolls onto his belly and holds his head up like a champ
-OBSESSED with his hands and chewing on things (early teething??? I don't know)
-Wearing 3 to 6 month outfits
He also....

- Weighs 15 lbs 13 oz
- Is about 26 inches long
- Has such a cute and funny laugh and laughs often! I have SUCH a happy boy!
- LOVES to study things! People, trees, music, tv, you name it, he likes it! lol
- Loves his taggie (a stuffed hippo with tags on it named hippo of course)
- Loves to snuggle his blue teddy at night to go to sleep
But mostly he....
- LOVES his daddy! He is such a daddy's boy lately and every body always says to me "oh bummer!" or "ugh I hated that with my kids" "daddy is the fun one and I always had to discipline them" but honestly, I love that he is a daddy's boy! I think it is so fun to see him kicking his legs all excited when daddy walks in the door and give a HUGE smile when he comes up to him and says "hey buddy!" He giggles at everything he does, he always listens intently when daddy talks or reads him stories, and he always watches where he is walking and what he is doing. I know Liam loves daddy but I think Colt is going to be really good with balancing out fun and discipline. I know Liam also loves his mommy very much so I have no jealousy or anger or anything silly like that about him loving daddy. Colton is the BEST dad I have ever seen to Liam and I'm so lucky to have two sweet boys in my life!!

All in all, I'm SO happy with life, things get stressful, things get tight with money, but we always make it through and I'm still so grateful for the many blessings me and my little family have in our new place. I love all
ya'll and hope everyone is having a wonderful transition from summer to fall because I sure as heck am!! lol I LOVE FALL AND WINTER!! yay for holidays soon!!
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