Hey you guys!

Gosh I think I'm getting worse at this whole blog stuff but today I went through past posts and it made me smile and realize I want to keep updating for everyone and for myself to keep looking back on. So I mostly just wanted to say that life is pretty good. The holidays were SO fun with Liam, he was a cute Thomas the Train and a Karate kid for Halloween, we spent Thanksgiving this year with Colt's family and had some yummy dinner and fun family time, and then spent time with both families for Christmas and Christmas Eve. Liam was pretty darn overwhelmed by all the presents but he was very spoiled this year! :)

So all of that was really fun... then came January. Is it just me or is January INSANELY boring?!?! lol I've been inside A LOT with the cold winter and yucky inversion and now my work at Gordmans is WAY slow since it's after the holidays. (oh yeah p.s. I get to stay there!! They hired me on as a actual employee instead of holiday help, yay!) Needless to say, I try to get out when we can but it is preeeetty boring in the Bird home these mornings. I can't complain though I mean, have you seen who I get to hang out with all day?!?! Plus I get my awesome, fun, and cute hubby at night and I LOVE those nights together. January hasn't been all angry faces and boring places. My wonderful mom and brother have been coming to get me most days and we do lunch or just enjoy each other's company. Yesterday was one of those days where I feel blessed with the mother I have. My mom has seriously ALWAYS been there for me but yesterday I was VERY sick and my mom helped me with Liam and on top of that we just sat on the couch like old times and watched "Say Yes To The Dress" and gave our input on the crazy and beautiful dresses just like we used to when I lived with her. It is so great being independent and living with my little family but sometimes a girl just wants her mom and mine just happens to be my best friend. I really hope to have a relationship like this with my kids their whole life because having a mom who you love dearly is just the BEST!

In other great news, my beautiful sister in law got ENGAGED!! It was so fun to be there! Colt, Liam and I all drove down the night of and hung out anxiously at the house till we got the text, they were engaged!! They sent a super cute picture to all of us and then we got to see her the next day and hang out with them and hear the story... because I asked... because I'm a romantic dork like that. We also got to go apartment hunting
with them and just talk about their wedding (which will be awesome p.s.) and in general it was just a great day. Liam is finally warming up to my sister in laws "going to be husband" Derrick, I'm so blessed to have such great family here and I know Liam will love having such great examples in auntie Erika and uncle Derrick and it's just so great to see him warming up to everyone.

Last little family news, my adorable niece is going to be a YEAR OLD tomorrow! Holy camolie!! Can time slow down a little PLEASE! My niece is 3 months older than Liam almost to the day! We get to have a cute little party for her tomorrow night so I'm pretty excited but wow I swear we were just house sitting while my sister was in the hospital like last week right?!?! Those kids just keep growing so fast and it makes me think of my little one and how I can't believe that in just 3 MONTHS he'll be a year old too!! It makes me a little sad but really excited for him too. I'm so excited for this next year with Liam and the hubby, we have so many plans and ideas for the summer and in general just have great things to come. So that might make you wonder what in the heck we are thinking about doing and how life is going? Well, let me start by saying life is pretty darn great!
Colt is still awaiting a raise and a promotion. Right now Colton is still getting trained but gosh am I proud of this man. He is working his butt off to make enough for us even with less money than usual and he is trying to get this promotion for his family and for himself. Needless to say, when ever it does happen, we will be celebrating and I will be telling everyone on facebook!! When he does though, we would love to LOOK into a house. I don't know yet that we'll get one but I do know that whatever happens we'll have each other to get through it and we will be happy either way.

As for me I'm doing pretty great too! I still LOVE being a mom even on hard days because then I have days where I look at my little buddy and realize I'm SO blessed to have him and wouldn't trade my life for anything!! I have the gospel in my life and a temple sealing with the man I love and with that I have my son
and my hubby for all of my eternity and that alone is enough to make this lady pretty happy!! :) I also recently was blessed enough to get a new car. It is a red 2008 Saturn VUE (aka an SUV) and is SO much better with gas and safety. I was pretty sad to see Louie (my PT cruiser) go but I know I will have great adventures in my new car, LuLu! ;) We were lucky enough to trade in Louie for LuLu and got a STEAL of a deal so I'm not paying more, I'm not being selfish, I just got blessed to get a car with better gas so we can see Colt's family more often which has been great!
Okay now I know, I know, we are pretty boring and you want to know how Liam is right?! Well Liam is doing great!! He is so darn fun! Liam is going to be 9 months old this Monday and I can't believe it!! My little one is growing so fast but with this comes such fun times! So for an update ...
- He is a FAST crawler these days!

- He says mama, dada, and yummm (when eating of course)
- He has two toofers (teeth lol) on the bottom middle and two vampire teeth on top!
- He LOVES to dance to music!
- He is a good eater but lately wants everything mommy and daddy eats and tells us he wants it by yelling at us and licking his lips! lol
- He is OBSESSED with our dog Bubblegum and follows her around everywhere trying to hug her!
- He loves playing with his cousins and finds the two older cousins to be pretty interesting in EVERYTHING they do!
- He has a HILARIOUS cheeser face and loves making people laugh!
So in general, Liam is doing pretty great, we're all doing pretty great! Liam is curious as EVER and always trying to figure new things out but he also is one of the sweetest and funniest little guys I've ever seen! I love
my son and I'm so excited for all the great things he has ahead of him!!
Well thanks for listening! Hope everyone is having a great new year and makes the most of every day they are given!! Thanks as always for the love and prayers! Love ya'll!! - The Birds!
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