ready to go! I was so scared but my adrenaline was crazy and I pushed for about 20 minutes and was done. I wanted that little guy OUT! lol The only way I can explain how I felt at that moment that I saw my beautiful baby boy was first "how in the heck were you in my belly!?" but then I just cried, all the hard work, all the nine months of being tired and going to school and work and gaining the weight was nothing, once I saw him I knew that he was worth all of that and more. I knew he was mine and Colt's and no one else's I knew we would raise him, watch him walk, laugh, date, find new things, crawl, everything and I am so excited for it all (maybe not as much for the dating however) :)
Well now two months has gone by and a lot has happened. Liam was blessed on June 9th 2013
and it was a wonderful day. Daddy did a BEAUTIFUL blessing and the spirit was definitely felt. It was a great time with family and friends and of course lots of food and fun! Also since Liam has been born he has:
- Gone from newborn diapers to 1
- Learned how to smile and ALMOST giggle
- Grown out of a few newborn outfits (little sad but fun to see new outfits fit too)
- Gone from a crazy floppy head to one he can hold up really well now
-Went from 2 seconds of tummy time to about 5 minutes
- Learned to LOVE lights, music, and (yaaaay..) Elmo lol
He has had a lot happen in just 2 months and I can't believe how fast it went. I'm trying to enjoy absolutely every minute of the time I have with him because you never get that back, especially since he is my first, he is my little buddy and goes everywhere with me and I love that.

As for me, like I said I have been enjoying my time at home as long as I can. I finished my schooling for Master Esthetics and have been trying to find a job. I had a job interview at one place but was told I need to work on getting faster at pedicures. :/ Kind of a bummer but I have a feeling there is something else out there that is going to be better for me right at this time and I'm excited to find it! I hope to only work 2 or 3 days a week and then on Saturdays for a while too. We'll see what happens though and I'll keep you updated (when possible!) lol
Now for the both of us, many of you might already know that my mom and dad are moving. Yup, that's right big change, random, yeah, we know but it's happenin everyone. So they are building a home in the Kaysville/Layton border with my sister. My sister and her family will be upstairs in the main floor and top floor and my brother, mom, and dad will be in a mother-in-law type basement downstairs. I'm really excited for all of them because I know it will be a really fun and new experience and my parents deserve it. So what the heckins are me and Colt doing you might ask? We looked and looked and looked aaaaaand looked for homes but with what we approve for right now
and what we want, we couldn't find that perfect house just yet. So after going through the pros and cons, we decided we want to rent again. Yup call us crazy or think it's weird but we KNOW this is right for us at this time and I'm actually really excited because we found a place we love that is in our price range and here's the biggy, THEY LET YOU HAVE PETS! woooo! Say what you want but Bubblegum is our family too and we are really glad we found a place for us all. This time it will also be in a community area with a pool, playground, the works! So our family hope to be moving into our new place on August 3rd and paint and clean everything on August 1st. I will put lots of pictures up but we are redoing a bunch of DI furniture and I think this place will be super cute!
Well, that's about all I can think of right now but I'm sure as soon as more changes, I will update again! Thanks for everyone who keeps us in your prayers and for those who are interested in how we are doing, we love you and are doing wonderful! I hope everyone has a wonderful Fourth of July tomorrow, I'm super excited since it will be our first holiday with Liam and it was our first holiday dating and first holiday being married, yup, pretty darn cool and not planned at all lol. :)
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