Hey Everyone,

Well I just realized that the last time I wrote was back in February. As much as I wish I could say that's because I've been suuuuper busy... yeah.. not the case lol. I've just been suuuuuuper lazy and more than that I try to get out of the home as much as I can on nice days and enjoy sun. Well anyway as of tomorrow I will be 38 weeks pregnant and have 2 weeks to go. It's so strange because it's kind of one of those things where I know it's a reality and I know I really do have a baby in this huge belly of mine and that I'm not just big for nothing lol but I'm not nervous for delivery anymore. I'm not nervous for getting to the hospital and in general, I'm a lot more chill than I thought I'd be. I think now that it is getting closer I'm just excepting my "fate" that now that he's in there he has to come out some how.
I know, I know, this will change once I'm there, in the hospital bed, and they tell me I can't leave and I'm going to have this baby. I think at that point I will say "Okay, here we go!" with a smile on my face and then in my head I'll start my real feelings to myself ... "Crap.." lol I know I'll be scared for the epidural, I know I'll be in pain, and I know that I will have a moment of wishing I could just skip all the pushing and let someone else do it for me but I think I'm stronger than people give me credit for too. I'm not saying I'll lay back and take a nap while in delivery with him because of how easy it will be, I know it will be hard, but I think I'm finally accepting that this is going to happen and at the end of the grueling hours, I will have a beautiful baby boy in my arms and he is going to be all mine and Colts.

It's weird because I know I have so much in my head that I want to put on this post but my head has just been spinning lately. I guess starting off I'm so grateful for all of the people who love me and Colt and have been such a support during my pregnancy. I already had one baby shower thrown by my two best friends and their moms and they did SUCH a good job with everything, the food was wonderful and the decorations were all brown, tan, white, and red because those are the colors we want for Liam's room when we get our own place. Everyone who came was so generous and gave us the most wonderful gifts! I got soooo many cute outfits, a bouncy cars chair, a bath tub, crib bedding, and so much more! It was so fun to see everyone and to catch up with people I haven't seen in a little bit.
Also, I feel so grateful for parents who let us (again) live with them for a while so we can get some money saved and get back on our feet with our baby. I have to admit, I'm a little glad my mom will be right upstairs if I need help figuring something out as a new mom. It has been so nice of them to have us here and Colt and I really are doing very well, we have been trying to find homes which has been a pretty hard task with where we want to stay and how much we can afford right now. We were looking into single family homes but they are all (go figure) pretty pricey here and I kind of see us ending up in a
condo or town home. We hope to have a place by July or August of our own because I'm planning on looking for jobs around that time and I hope to help my poor hubby out who works his butt off for our family. I am so grateful for a husband like him and I know that he is going to be an outstanding father too!
Well anyway, until this baby gets here I feel as if my life is a little too boring for blogging ;) So everyone be on your toes because little Liam should be here in no time and when he is, you will be getting a picture over load on here and on facebook! :) Love you guys and hope that everyone is ready for summer, the heat is crawling up on us and summer will be here before we know it! :)
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