Hey everyone!
So if you're reading this, I'm thinking you either saw my facebook status or just really love me and read my blog religiously! lol So lets start from the beginning shall we? Seems like usually a good place to start things these days!
Colton and I, as many of you know, live with my parents in their basement. We share a lot with the family, the bathroom, the kitchen, the laundry room, our ward, our life. lol but I'm so eternally grateful for my parents and sharing their wonderful home with us this past year. I literally don't know how Colton and I would have found a place with all the money we had to catch up on. I know it's hard to live with family but please, if anyone lives with them teenager, married, a mother, whatever it may be, be ever grateful for them and thank the Lord that you have a roof over your head and someone who loves you enough to share it with you and feed you. It is tough but it has also made a lot of our memories what they are today and has given us so many stories to laugh about together. I love my family and I'm so happy to have people who love me and my husband enough to share their home with us with open and loving arms, but, these love Birds have to spread their wings now and fly solo. That's right, we're moving out, that's our big news and no not that we are pregnant everyone will know when that happens I promise but it will be a loooooong time... so yeah... where was I? Right right WE'RE GETTING OUR OWN PLACE!!
Colton and I started looking for a place almost a month ago, we really couldn't afford everything that was coming up and what did I do? Well cry and stress out of course like I usually do ;) but thankfully I married a patient man who held me all the while and told me that everything would be okay if we trusted in god and prayed for a clear mind to know what to do over our heart's feelings. (I know, I know, I'm a way lucky woman to have him!) :) So we kept looking and looking and started finding a lot of places opening up that actually allowed pets. (pet lovers, DON'T let your peers and everyone tell you that you have to abandon your poor little one, if you pray and do what your supposed to and look hard you CAN find a place) So we started calling and making a day out of it, going when ever we could and going during Colt's lunches to look at places then go to lunch and discuss the places. Newlyweds or just people trying to find a place, out of personal experience I can tell you DO NOT get discouraged, life is tough, money can get tight, but be realistic before pessamistic! Don't buy the first place you find that sounds like it "meets requirements" beggers can be choosers, you just have to know where to look and look for a few months if you have to! Don't always rush life or you'll miss out on the funny experiences of day dreaming on the apartments you KNOW you can't afford or the ones you'd never dare step foot in again, you'll miss time with your spouse and that is something that is ALWAYS free and worth it!
So how did we find this place?! Don't feel intimidated to ask people you know to keep an eye out for you. The internet is a fast place my friends, get the word out, facebook, blogs, friends, family, tell everyone you're looking. Brent Schindler, my brother, and Dyllan Zimmer, Brent's husband, live in these nice, cute, cozy, places in Bountiful and I told them to let us know if anything opened up. So, when we were looking in all the madness of 850 dollar apartments, a beacon of hope beamed! Brent and Dyllan texted us and said that there was a place opening up and to call now before they even put up the for rent sign so everyone, that's what we did, that's right, we called last night around 5pm and Mike, the owner met us two hours later at the places to show them to us, we talked about it last night and now, today, I'm giving Mike 300 dollars deposit to move in to a place to call our own!! So that's our story, but I really want everyone to learn out of this blog. This might seem like a little thing to some but we really worried about it (me more than Colt of course lol) but I prayed with a full heart and real intent to know what to do and I promise I don't really feel a burning in my chest or fall to the floor with an answer but I felt a little thing that was different then I did with the other ones, Peace, and that's all I needed.
I'm a primary teacher as many of you know and I found it very interesting that when all this was going on, I learned more from my lesson then I think the kids did that week. Our lesson was on Enos and him praying to god with a sincere heart to be forgiven of his sins and he prayed for many other things but out of all of it, I got this scripture out of it and I couldn't get it out of my head. Enos 1: 15 "Wherefore, I knowing that the Lord God was able to preserve our records, I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it." Nothing had hit me as hard as that scripture did, I knew that if I prayed about where to go and what to do, believing that God would help us, he would. I love scriptures like that, it shows that something as simple as deeply praying to our lord can give us answers in a hard trial or question in our life. I LOVE our church and I love how beautiful everything is about it, I love the comfort it brings me in my life in ANY situation!
So, there it is everyone! This is our biggest update for now! The love Birds are flying the nest on their own time now and we are so excited to start this wonderful chapter in our lives together. I love all of you, thanks again to my wonderful family for letting us use your home and supporting us through all the hard things going on at times in our life. Thank you to those who keep us in your prayers when we need the help, and mostly thank you to everyone who is in my life you all have an impact on it more than you will ever know! Love ya'll! -Savannah Bird
P.s. I promised myself I wouldn't forget this, for some this song might have a different point but I heard this on a day that I was driving around stressed that we couldn't afford any place and were stuck and then this came on, kinda made me smile! :) Colt has always been the one telling me that everything will work out and to just wait, just be patient or take our sweet time. :)
Savannah! Thanks for posting this...I really needed to hear that scripture, it's been kind of an interesting week and that just was perfect. Exciting for you to be moving out!! :)