Colt, I can't wait to go with you to the temple to have you as my partner in crime forever. :) I'm so proud of everything we have accomplished together. We've gotten through a lot of money issues, a lot of random fights about little things, but mostly we've gotten through a lot spiritually. We got our blessings back together, you help me get through my calling with my lessons that I don't always understand how to teach, you are the one telling me that we need to say prayers when we are both tired, and you are the one who always tells me to have faith because everything will work out, even though I'm stuborn and sometimes don't like to hear it. You are the one who keeps me going everyday and your the one I want to see in the temple holding my hand and saying yes to eternity. I love you so much Colton, I'm so amazed with your love for me, you always believe in me, you always care for me, you always think of my feelings first, and you always make me happy. I know everyone thinks they have the best husband and maybe they do for them, but I know you are truly the best husband for me.
Thank you for always working so hard for us too. I know sometimes when you come home you can be stressed or something happens that makes you not love your job, but you still always go back the next day and I'm grateful for that. You go early, you stay late, you do whatever you can to keep our family secure and happy. I know we have had some tough times with all our bills and some debt but I'm so proud of how far we've come! We almost have all our bills paid that we owe and are planning on getting a place of our own in June.
Which brings me to my next thing, Your patience. I KNOW it can't be easy living with your in laws, but you have been so loving to me always telling me it's okay. Besides, you know we've gotten some funny stories from this past year of living here lol. Besides being patient with the apartment, you have been patient with me when I get angry or when I am stressing out about something, you are the one keeping your cool telling me that we can get through anything together.
Anyways, I could go on forever, but in all this I just want you to know that I love you and will always be here to support you. You are my husband, we work together and help each other through everything. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife, I'm so lucky to have you. I can't wait for more adventures with you like getting a place of our own and finishing up schooling and having kids together and growing old together. I love you so so much honey! Always have and always will! :)
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