So sorry for the long time of no posts on here! We've had a busy past few weeks. So I have a LOT of things I wanted to talk about today in this post but to start off, We love our new place! We finally have a place to call home and it was so fun unpacking everything with Colt and making sure we both liked it! I have pics up on facebook too but I'm loading some now for this post too! :) We have couches now too! We got Colt's cousin's old couches that they didn't want anymore which was awesome and so nice of them! We didn't mind the floor and got some good laughs out of it but we LOVE having somewhere to sit now. lol
Colt and I both have our same jobs still and are very happy their, I plan to probably stay at mine until after schooling and Colt still likes being at his and would like to stay at his as long as he can. He is learning so much, even though he thinks he's slow and bad at his job, I go late nights with him to his job to watch him work on the cars and he keeps getting faster and faster at it. He really is so talented and now he's been helping paint here and there on the cars too! By the way, if ANYONE is needing a new car, Colton's place sells cars WAY cheap like they would at auctions only these are right there to look at and to take home! They range anywhere from $2,000 - $8,000 which is way good for their great condition so yeah you should check it out. :) I've been doing good at Kohls, I've had to work A LOT of way early hours this past month because Kohls got FURNITURE! I'm way excited, it was a lot of hard work but it's so cool to go in there now and realize where I helped out or what I moved and cleaned to help it come together. My mom still works there too but it seems like we never work together, same with me and my friend Kara, she works nights, I work mornings which makes me kinda sad!
So as far as the new place with the ward, the first weekend we moved in was general conference weekend so we didn't get the chance to go. Then the next week was Easter Sunday so we were able to go and I was so nervous which of course didn't help things because then my skirt's zipper broke and all the things that could go wrong did before we could get there of course. haha This ward is backwards from the old ward we were at because they start release society first, then Sunday school, then sacrament meeting. I kind of like it because it saves the best part for last and it's great to go home with the sacrament as your last thoughts. The ward seems very nice, there is a lot of different ages, many older women, then couples around their 40's or 50's with lots of kids (we are in Utah after all) and then the "younger" ones who still aren't where Colt and I are, they are either newly weds at 30 or younger 20's and have new babies. lol Colt and I looked around and felt like we were "couples hunting" because we were trying to decide who we liked, who didn't look too old, who we would fit in with, all that good stuff. But I think with time we will make friends hopefully and fit in just fine and even if not, I know we are going for our lord and not for the others there.
As far as our first "incident" in the new place, that happened last night when Bubblegum found our Easter candy. It was definitely my fault because I rushed off to work at 9:30 and Colt had already left for work at nine and we left our Easter candy out then we went to my parent's house for dinner and by the time we came home at 7:30, she had at LEAST 17 Recces Pieces, 5 Chocolate Hershey eggs, and 4 or 5 tootsie rolls and need I add, not the wrappers, the little stinker unwrapped them all so perfectly and ate them. It goes with out saying what happened after that, Colt yelled how dumb she is and I cried holding her saying "Don't die Bubblegum!" While she licked my face... oy haha but by 8 O' clock she was throwing up a lot and by 9, we called the Emergency Vet Center and they told us to bring her in. Believe it or not, she only had what they called "stage one" of chocolate poising and they said we were actually lucky it was more of the Recces than anything else since it's not pure chocolate but after giving her a shot for the nausea and taking an x-ray, they sent us home with some instructions, I'm happy to say after a night of staying up while she threw up and cried, she is now A LOT better and back to her spazzy self! Colt ended up holding her and we were grateful she was alive, even though she is just a dog, we were the ones that adopted her and took her out of that little cage while she was shaking and took her home, she is our family now and we're happy she is okay!
And now for the new things coming into our lives soon! As many of you know, I've just been working and have been out of school since I graduated in the beginning of December 2011. So a while ago I applied for a gov. approved grant and received up to $5,000 for my master's program wherever I decided to go. I was so excited and signed up right away for Salt Lake Community College. Later when I got accepted to SLCC, I called about my grant and how to set it up, they let me know that since the program is only about $4,200 they couldn't take the grant. I was at my parent's house and told my dad. He told me to come upstairs and look at another school he was looking into. The tuition is about $10,000 but if they accepted my grant it wouldn't end up being that much more than SLCC. So I got all my questions together and called the councilor. She wasn't in so I left a message saying I was very interested in her school and would like to ask her a few things and to call soon as she could. A day later I got a call from her and was able to explain to her my situation from DATC. I could tell I would like this girl her reaction was "I'm so sorry honey, you deserve better schooling than that!" lol She was so sweet and I was so excited when all the answers to my questions were just what I wanted to hear, but then the big one I had to ask came up. "So Athena" I started, "Do you happen to accept grants for your master's program?" and she said yes!! I was so excited and decided to set up a tour to look around the school! The tour is Saturday April 28th and I'm taking Colt and my mom and dad with me to see it! I'm so excited and really I would be happy with either SLCC or this school but I really REALLY love this school more and I can't WAIT to tour it! I will let you know how it goes on my next post soon as I can!
Okay so last thing out of all this? Colt and I have had a lot of time to think of our future what with our jobs, and this schooling coming up, and a new place. We decided even though people might be sad, worried for us, thinking we can't do it, we want to wait for kids. I know everyone might think this is a "duh" to wait but you would be surprised how many people hear that our one year is next month and then ask "Oh! So when are you guys having kids?" ... um really? lol So, if everything works out like we would like it to and we can wait for kids, We would like to travel.

Thank you for everyone that has always supported us! I know life is tough but it doesn't mean you give up! I'm so excited for whatever comes for us and I'm so happy to have a husband by my side to do these adventures with who supports me and believes in us because really isn't that just where it starts? :)
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