

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Stuff

Hey everyone,

         Yes I know I will be writing again in less than a week for Colton and I's six month update but I wanted to write again today for some exciting things as well.

         Colton and I have been doing pretty good, we are paying off some dental bills and really trying to do better with things in life. So with SOME free money comes SOME good rewards, I finally got my three crowns put in and I must tell you, WORST pain so far. (yes I know pregnancy will be worse and blah blah blah) but that dentist made me cry like a baby in the chair for an hour and a half! My teeth are suuuuper sensitive but boy are those three teeth pretty now lol. As for Colton his stomach is healing very well, the bandages are off now and replaced by some water proof bandages (by the wanting of his wife) and he has seemed to feel a lot better now.

          While I'm in the randomness of this blog, Halloween was very fun as well! We went to Colt's house and got to stand in the famous pirate ship outside their house! Kids walking by either loved it, wanted to get in it, or ran away crying from it. haha but it was really cool and Colt's dad did a really good job on it. Colton and I tried looking for our costumes for a long time and didn't know what to be until we went to K-mart to look. We found a Dorthy costume for me and that's where the ideas sank in. We were a more... violent.. version of Dorthy and the Tin man. Colton was a beat up tin man with scratches and dents and I had a Toto with rabies on my leg attacking me along with blood and cuts on my outfit hehe. but all together it was a great night and a fun time with the family!

         Okay so, as for our "new stuff," (yes my crowns count and Colton's new scars can count too lol) this last Saturday Colt and I went to the D.I. to try and find me a few pairs of jeans since I only had one pair for winter. We found three pair each for six bucks, but of course Colt wouldn't want to sit there bored while I was trying them on, so he started looking around and now.... We have a t.v. the size of our desk in our room. He found it outside with all the new things that had arrived that day and saw that it was only 30.00, it's a tube T.V. but it's huge and still has a flat screen instead of a bubble screen and still has x-box working in HD! I have to say I'm pretty proud of our little...huge T.V. but when we went to check out, the guy who had helped us carry it over heard us talking about money and things and gave us all my pants and the T.V. for 32.00 Total!! Such a great guy, I was happy to see sweet people like that in this world still.

          Anywho, that's mostly about it for now but as far as how Colton and I are doing, we're great! I'm taking my final state boards test soon and will let you know more about that next week. but we are so happy and always feel immensely blessed by our lord in heaven and his ever giving ways to us. We love having the gospel in our lives and I'm so excited for our halfway mark for the temple. Love all of you and will update you again soon!           -Savannah Bird

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