

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Update on Colton

Hey everyone,

             Today's schedule went a little different than planned, I was planning on going to school at 8:30 as usual when at five in the morning I got a scary awakening from Colt, he had really bad pain in his right side and didn't know why. At five in the morning, I can't say I have the best attention span, but after a while of talking, I decided I had to wake my dad to figure things out. We called Davis Hospital to make sure they took the insurance we had planned to use and then we were on our way. Colt and I had a few hours of watching t.v. while waiting, in between cat scans, blood samples (not fun) and other things. They found out he had to get his appendix out and so we had to call the doctor and were on our way up to another room.

             Mean while of course my family and his family were concerned about Colton, so I let them know everything that was happening and Colt's family is awesome! They all took off work and were good to go. I was so happy to hear they were coming down, I just want everyone to know that I'm the luckiest girl in the world, I have the best in-laws in the world! I was so worried for his surgery and his family came and waited all day with me, he couldn't go into surgery until about 5:30 but when he did I was so scared and nervous. I tried staying strong but when he had to go into one set of doors and I had to go through another, I lost it and Colton's family gave me hugs and let me cry on their shoulders, I love my family and I know if they weren't there, I would have lost it.

             So where are we at now? It's now 10:20 at night, Colton's family is still here which is wonderful and my mom and dad are here. He is still on drugs and we are all just hanging out talking and watching t.v. So what have been the highlights of today? (And there actually was some) Colton's dad and the doctor giving Colton a blessing before the surgery, seeing my awesome in-laws since I've missed them so much, and just seeing all the ways that god blesses our lives.

               I was so scared but now everything is doing good, Colt feels a little better and might even be able to come home tonight!! I also just wanted to say thank you so much for everyone who kept Colton and I in your prayers today. God is listening and he loves us and worries about us, I'm so lucky to have the gospel in my life and to have such wonderful people who love us and want to know how we are. Thanks again for your concerns, Colt and I are happy, Colt is doing better, and we are both still insanely in love :)               -Savannah Bird

P.s. My BIGGEST highlight of the day? Is the first thing Colton said when he woke up from the surgery ... "Is my wife doing okay?" :')

1 comment:

  1. Hey sweetheart I finaly read ur blog since im laying in bed with nothing to do lol I just want to tell u I love u so much u truly mean the world to me :) thanks for the blog I will look at it more often seeing that it got me to smile and made my day :p I love u cant wait ro see u when you get home
