Sorry I'm a bit late on writing about our five months! I've been pretty busy and had a lot on my mind lately. First off, Friday Oct. 14th was Colton and I's five month anniversary, I had school and he had work so we didn't do anything till later that night but he didn't know what we were doing, I took him to see Real Steel in IMAX at the new Centerville theater, It was my first movie in IMAX and BOY WAS IT WORTH IT!! The movie was amazing, Colton and I already want it! lol

Anyway in other news, DATC is annoying me again lol. They just won't let me graduate on time for the life of them, I had a big fight with the head of the school pretty much letting her know my TRUE feelings about her school. I "oh so nicely" let her know that I'd rather die than go back their for masters. So, with that greatness, I'm done freaking out about it, I believe sometimes god puts tiny situations in our lives that might feel like the biggest deal at the time but looking back later you realize it wasn't that bad. I feel as if I need to learn patience out of my trials and kindness with people. I freak out too fast on people when something goes wrong and I need to have a kind spirit with everyone I come into contact with. So after all this, I have to make some hours up that they basically lost on Extern 3, and then I will be on my LAST DATC EXTERN EVERRRRR!!!! WOO! Then I will be working extra hard at Kohls with seasonal work to get some of ya some presents lol and just to help me and Colt out as much as possible.
So what about master esthetics right? I'm taking a break, I get scared at the thought of being in a "look at me, look at me" industry, I love esthetics but I love my husband more and I know that Kohls would probably be a better option for us when raising a family. Now before everyone thinks I'm quitting, just know I NEVER quit something I work hard on, I love my family and I will do what is best but that doesn't mean I'll work less. I'm always going to try my best with whatever anything I work on and I plan to do so with my head held high, a smile on my face, and god by my side. I'm excited for this new journey in our life with me at Kohls and an apartment hopefully in May along with a temple sealing and all the while Colton and I enjoying life.
I love all of you, thank you for your prayers and concerns in anything Colt and I go through, we're so happy and will always look for a positive side when we have each other!
- Savannah Bird
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