This is my new update! Yes I will have one in 11 days as well when we reach five months but all well, no one gets sick of me right?! hehe So I know I just put in my last post that we were going to wait a while for my teeth to get anything done but they were so bad that we had to go in last week. Want to know what he said? Nothing good.. PEOPLE PLEASE WATCH HOW MUCH SODA YOU DRINK! I used to have 14-15 a DAY at work, no joke! So what now? I need crowns on ALL of my teeth, if you think spending 2,000 dollars on just 3 crowns was fun for me... think again. I would rather buy a real diamond crown for my head, it would probably be cheaper! lol So I got 3 caps right now (temporary until the crowns come in from the dentist) I should be going in again in about another week and a half... I'll let ya know how that feels I'm SURE!

So as you can probably imagine, that's a little stressful for me and Colton, when I found out, first I stopped breathing, then I yelled, then I cried, then I took a bath and told myself to stop it. I told myself that I can cry and yell and freak out all I want but they aren't forcing me to pay for all of them right now, they aren't all going to fall out, so I had to make the decision, worry about something that might or might not effect me right now, or breath, and be grateful for all we have.
Since going to the dentist, I decided my life needed some changes, I'm going to dance still every Mondays, but now I try to stretch on Wednesdays and do a few work outs as well. The exercise is great but I knew what I had to really change. The bad things I was putting IN my body. (which I'll talk more about in a minute) So how crazy is this? The day I decided to do this was Monday September 26th, now exactly a week later, we had a class today at school that usually NEVER relate to me anyways since it's with all the hair girls too but it was about nutrition! We got this huge lecture of things that were bad and good and a list of bad foods and what little thing you can change to make it better.

1- NO MORE SODA! It's not only bad for your teeth but your WHOLE body!
2- Drink only water! I'm going to try for only water and occasionally Krystal lite or juices
3- Work out more! I want to try twice or three times a week
4- Change the little! Wheat instead of white bread, not as much fried foods, baked chips, etc...
Well, that's all I have for now but please everyone! Try to change your lives in the littlest ways and if not for your kids, or job, or anything else, FOR YOURSELF! Most importantly, love your body! Treat it like what it is, god's wonderful gift to us! Love you all, hope everyone is happy and having a great day! Sorry my posts keep getting longer and longer, I'll try better on that. -Savannah Bird
P.s. I have an interview tomorrow at Kohls at 9 A.M. PLEASE keep me in your prayers if possible! thanks! :)
II know you mentioned drinking a little crystal lite but just a fair warning it has aspartame in it which is just as bad as my suggestion is mil...its way good and better for you. Love ya and hope to keep reading your updates....the whole pregnant thing...take your time. God know you and your needs and when it happens it will happen. Im not even married yet and keep getting asked when we will be having kids. Honestly its up to god if he see fit to give me a baby I wont complain. Love you tons little Vanna. Miss you guys