

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Update First.

Hello everyone,

          So the title of this blog is update first because I (duh) plan on updating you about things, then, a blog about CHRISTMAS later. hehehe As many of you might have heard already (or been here for it) We had a pretty bad wind storm in Davis County area. It tore down many trees that have grown for years, building's signs, people's roofs, etc. It was a really hard week to see all the damage, but nothing compared to how wonderful it was to see all our ward members helping everyone. They canceled church just so all the men in our ward who were able to, could help clean up the neighbor's yards. Everything already is looking better, I love having a religion where I always feel safe and loved. The lord really watches out for all of us.

            Going along with that, this same week I got really sick. Sick enough to where I couldn't get up and cried most of the night with my wonderful husband never leaving my side. I was in a lot of pain and Colton suggested having my uncle George that lives with us and my brother in law Mike, who happened to be over at the time, give me a blessing. Another wonderful part of the lord's church. I received a blessing that night and didn't throw up the rest of the night, I got better the next day shortly after. :) I just love all the blessings we are given through our religion and will never forget how lucky we are.
             Also going along with this, Colton and I went to temple square last night with our friends Natalie and Steve, it was fun hanging out with them again and enjoying the FREE beautiful parts of this world. We went for hot chocolate and chicken nuggets after at McDonalds :) all around, it was a really fun date night!

              On the ending update, we got a cute pup! Most of you already know if you are friends with me on facebook but she is sooo cute!! Her name is Bubblegum, we adopted her in a shelter and love her very much. They think she is around 3 or 4 years old and a mix of tiny dogs haha. Well anyway just wanted to update you. Hope everyone is getting their Christmas shopping in! Love y'all,     - Savannah Bird

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