

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Addition Coming Soon!

Hey everyone!

        Gosh I'm so sorry that it has taken me this long to write again. School is officially KILLING ME! lol I absolutely love everything about it, I've already made some awesome friends who are so fun and sweet! The instructors are incredible and really smart with everything they teach us! For those of you who forgot what I'm doing, September 4th I started school at Cameo College of Essential Beauty, I know, mouth full right?! Any way, I'm doing their master esthetician program and learning more about laser, chemical peels, facials, and much much more! It's been a little over whelming I've got to admit because I'm doing full time which means Tuesday through Saturday everyday 8 to 5, it's been good for me since I really missed being out and about busy but I do hate doing Saturdays and missing my one day with my husband. So, This brings me to part two.

        I have been doing school plus Kohls until 10:30 at night almost every night and sometimes even later and then waking up at 6:30 for school and was SOOOO tired!! So (get ready for this) I quit, Yup that's right, I quit something, it was scary and sucked and I felt so so bad (and still do) for Colton being the only money maker but as of right now I have bigger priorities which brings me to part number three....

         COLT AND I ARE GOING TO BE A MOMMY AND DADDY!!! That's right even though most of you already know. lol Colton and I are expecting a baby bird to join the Bird nest on May 1st 2013!! Now before you start judging me and going down a few posts to where I said "We want to travel, we want to get a house, we want more time together before kids, yaddi yaddi yadda..." I know and even though this baby wasn't planned it is our blessing. I know that there is a reason we are receiving this baby now and I would NEVER call this a mistake or a "fault" we are happy and we are preparing as best we can. This baby doesn't put a "block" in our plan, it puts more fun and adventure into it. So yes we do still plan on taking our baby on LOTS of trips and yes we do still plan on getting a little home maybe before the baby and maybe not, and yes we did want time together but that just makes these next few months before baby even more special together and more precious.

         So now your questions must be a rollin' well, here we go: (you can skip this people lol it's long)

How did you tell Colt? - I got a BIIIIIG baby bag (there will be pictures to the sides lol) I got a blue onesie and a pink onesie (the usual) but then I got a can of the soda Squirt like "we're going to have a little squirt running around here soon!" and a cute star quote that I thought fit us pretty well, it says "Babies are a gift, they touch our hearts forever." I just thought it was a great quote and so true, babies are a gift and a blessing. He was a little shocked, then thought it was a joke (since that's how I April fooled him this year, yup I'm mean) and then he realized I was serious. It took him a few hours to adjust lol and now he's so excited and already kissing my belly and wishing he could feel it moving!

What about your parents? -UGH k no one get excited cuz it sucked. lol We had just toured Cameo with my parents and they were talking about part time vs full time and kept saying yeah but you have no rush take your time in school and how fun it will be having services done on me and I kept looking at Colt like ummmm and so we went to the mall to eat and were sitting on the table, I mouthed to Colt "should we just tell them" to which he shrugged his shoulders and smiled like "your choice" lol So I looked at them and said weeeell I had it all planned out... I wanted to tell you in a really cute way but... and before I could finish my mom covered her mouth, gasped and said YOU'RE PREGNANT AREN'T YOU!!! And what else could I say but um yup! lol then they gave us hugs and we decided that full time schooling would be better because I'll be done this December!

How did you tell Colt's family?- We didn't want my parents to know and not Colt's so we decided to surprise them by coming down that night and got our little suitcase packed so we could stay the night. Then (and Colt thought of this, that creative boy him!) We got our two build a bears that we made together forever ago that happen to be pink and blue and put the onesies on them that I got to tell Colt and put them on the bears followed by my pregnancy test and tied the hands together and put the pregnancy test on it. We drove up there and tried hiding our car behind their trailer and ran to the front door and put the suitcase on the front step with the bears sitting on them and knocked and hid. Colt's mom answered confused at first lol then saw the pregnancy test and said HA I KNEW IT! lol we used those to tell Chad and Erika and Kamille and Grandma Eden but Dallan wasn't home and Colton really wanted to be able to tell him and couldn't wait so we went to Macys where Dallan works and Colt found Dallan and said "hey so we need your help, we found these bears here but they don't have a tag, do you know how much they are?" He took them and looked at them forever and said "and you got these here?" confused. and we said yup and just smiled waiting. Then Dallan's eyes got big followed by "are you serious?! I'm going to be an uncle!!" lol He was very excited for us!

So now what? - Well now I work my little tired toochie off at school and graduate in December to get a job. Until then however, I'm looking into starting Scentsy next month! So if anyone wants holiday gifts let me know! lol but I also promise to not be one of those annoying people who's facebook turns into their job instead so I will keep you updated but I will probably make another facebook just for Scentsy that will be like Savannah Bird Scentsy or something. After school I might try to find a job and might not just depending on how I feel and if not, I really LOVE the make up artistry side of esthetics so I REALLY want to find a job in that later on. As for Colt, he is working his butt off at his job and I'm so proud of him, I'm so lucky to have a husband like him, he works over 40 hours a week and makes sure he picks up any extra jobs he can at his work. As for our home? We really enjoy Bountiful but we want a two bedroom and really want a place to call our own, so our parents our sweet enough to let us move back in with them. However, I want our holiday season in our own place and our own Christmas tree and stuff so it probably won't be until about March. Our plan is to just get our heads back in gear and only stay for about 4 months to get a GOOD chunk of a down payment for a home and then we'll just start looking for something. Other than that we just kind of plan as we go cuz mommy Bird reaaaally doesn't need stress in her life right now and so I've been making sure I stay away from it. So we go day by day and enjoy any time we get together.

Last question and the rest? well ask me! Lol so to sum this whole big long thing up, we are SO excited! I'm at about 13 weeks as of tomorrow. We have another check up appointment on November 5th and then 2 weeks after that are hoping we find out the sex of the baby if it isn't stubborn and come one it is our kid so it very well might be ;) but I'm PRAYING we find out cuz um well mom wants to shop and mom knows that that will make it like four days before the best shopping day ever, that's right, BLACK FRIDAY BABY!!! :) So yup I'm hoping for the best haha. Anyway keep us in your prayers for a happy baby and for strength to keep me going through good old yucky early mornings. Love you all and I hope to keep updating as much as I can, my only days off are Mondays and Sundays and Sundays are Colton and I day and Monday is catch up on chores day so I'll do my best. :) Love the Love Birds (and baby!)

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