Happy New Year Everyone!

I'm extremely excited for all the new adventures and lessons 2012 has to offer Colton and I as a married couple. We are already looking forward to many new and exciting things. We also know there will be trials and hard times but that's going to come with every year. So how has everything started off? I can't complain, we were able to spend time with mine and Colton's family for the past few weeks. We had a wonderful Christmas and Christmas Eve.

Well the biggest reason I did this post today is to tell everyone how we are doing, like usual, and what we are up to. I was more excited about this post than most. (ha yes, I just rhymed) Colton and I had a meeting with the bishop before Christmas and we want everyone to now know that we have our blessings back as far as taking the sacrament and everything. He also said he is looking into a calling for Colton and that we will look into him being ordained an elder. The temple will probably still be May but we will see and no mater what, we will be excited and be preparing to go, but that appointment definitely made us more excited for 2012.
We have other things that 2012 will be bringing us as well, our one year anniversary will be in May of course, I'm hoping to start master esthetics in the fall, we are going to try to find our own apartment, and mostly get MOST of our bills paid off!!!!! woo!

I have to say, we have had a few hard trials and we still are with some money situations, but honestly who doesn't these days. We had a couple more bills added on this year but plan to still get rid of a lot of them. Along with the money, we did finally buy something for ourselves after much needed saving. We got 2 new dressers and 2 new night stands from wal-mart, all for surprisingly cheap!! :) I love them and we really needed them so much! We also just bought a wii from my cousins and they were nice enough to give us a REALLY good deal for it. So all in all we can't really complain, we live paycheck by paycheck but at least we're living. :)

For those of you who are wondering, Colt still loves his job and usually the people he works with. lol He has been doing a great job their and his boss always loves telling me how great it is to have him around. I have been loving working at Kohls, our manager is great, we always have fun parties and yummy snacks at work, and everyone is kind of like a big family. It really feels like family to me, especially since my mom just got a job working at Kohls as well! It's fun to work with her and see her there, it makes the day go by faster. I have been extremely lucky to have been getting a lot of hours still with how many employees are there, but it's easier since I don't have school anymore either. OH which reminds me, I don't believe I mentioned that on here yet, I GRADUATED DATC! woo! hehe. Anyway, yeah, Kohls, really loving it!! It's fun to hear customers talking sometimes, I try not to intrude but sometimes... oh man. A week ago I had two funny comments in the same day, There was a couple probably in there 50's walking back to customer service and when they saw the "long" hall the wife says angry to her husband, I can't believe we have to walk all the way back here, I'm going to loose my breath before I even get there!... and yup... she was serious people haha. Then later I heard a bunch of teenage girls (since they make it pretty easy to do) and one teenager was worried and said "Okay guys! I have a dilemma!" I thought to myself oh maybe I should help and mid-thought heard her finish with "I don't know which Justin Beiber shirt to get" .... ooooh wow. I thought about mine and my husband's conversation and how that would have really gone with us. "Colt, I have a dilemma, what bill should we pay first?!" I wish life was simple like a shirt all the time haha!
Well speaking of married life, I have to go help Colt cook dinner. Love you guys and thanks for everything you do! Again, happy new year and hope y'all enjoy 2012!! -Savannah Bird
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