Alright Everyone,
I feel like I should let you know, this is going to be a bit of a long post but hey, I'm blessed to have so many people in my life to be grateful for and with Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I couldn't just let the opportunity pass to tell those people how much I love them so here goes!!
Well, I have to of course start with these beautiful people! They did after all bring me into this world! :)
Mom: I swear I could talk about you for days! You are SO much more than just a mother to me, you are one of my absolute best friends! You love me on the days I'm grumpy, you are patient enough to sit through my rants and help me feel better, you are an amazing grandma to my kiddos, and you're always willing to help people around you. You always put people's needs before your own and you never do it looking for praise or to be put in a spotlight. You are so great and I seriously can't imagine my life with out you! You taught me how to be selfless, how to love unconditionally, and you helped me become who I am today! I love you so very much!
Dad: Yeesh, you're just as awesome as mom! You are such a fun person to be around, you know when we need a strong father to talk to and you know when to be silly to cheer us up. You are one of the biggest reasons I have a strong testimony of the church even when life was super hard. You reminded me that not only does God love me, but you love me and you were there for me. I love that we both have a love for Japan and that I was blessed enough to go there just you and me and have such a fun time together! I'm grateful for your strength for our family, I know you traveled a lot for your job, but I also know you did it because you are a man who never gives up on his family and his responsibilities and I always admired you for that. You taught me to never give up when life gets hard, you taught me life lessons and spiritual lessons, you showed me what a respectful man is and I'm so grateful for you in my life, I love you like crazy dad!

Alright, I got to talk about these amazing people! I was pretty blessed in the sibling department of my life!
Josh: I know we didn't grow up together or know each other all our lives but I feel like you've always been a big part of my life. I love your "can do" attitude about everything you do. You show me what it means to endure to the end and never give up on your goals. You are such a great dad to your kids and you have always been so fun to be around! Thank you for showing me what it means to have a loving family no mater when we met, we still have a great relationship and though we live further away from each other, I always know you're there and that you will be there for me and our family! You are such a great guy and I love you lots and lots!
Brent: I'm seriously SO lucky to have you in my life! I can't imagine having a brother different than what I got! You are perfect for me and our family! You just tie us all together and any time you are at work, there is a missing feeling in the home. You have such a great personality, you could be having the worst day and still push through with a smile on your face. I love that we can just be ourselves around each other, we could just watch t.v. all day together and know that that's just us and we don't have to entertain each other or be anything different than ourselves. I love how great of an uncle you are to Liam, he seriously loves being around you and just like me, he can feel how important and amazing you are just by your presence. You are always so sweet and show what it is to be a man but to also show a loving and caring side. You have a way about you where I know you are a protective brother but still love being sweet and silly. I'm SO grateful for you and your influence in my life. Thank you for never being judging and always being so great! I love you!
Kira: What can I say! You are my only sister and such a great one at that! I remember sometimes growing up we had an age gap that felt like it was hard to get around. Then suddenly, we got older and that age and the personalities doesn't mater anymore. all that mattered is that we were sisters and we were there for each other. I think some of my favorite times with you is just our random talks, we could talk about random memories or funny things our kids have done and that's my favorite. I love that I can come to you about questions with Liam and you don't make me feel like a dork lol I know that you have helped me so many times become a better mom and show me the things that really mater in life. You are a fun person to be around and are always silly with your kids and show how to be a fun but good and loving mother. I'm grateful for you and our always growing relationship! Thank you for being my sister and a great example to me growing up! I love you very much!
Mike: I know I don't have a picture with you, crazy huh? Guess I never randomly take selfies with you for some reason haha! I know you haven't been in my life since I was born but I'm grateful you're in it now! Thank you for being such a great husband to my sister and showing me what a respectful man looks like, I always looked up to you before I was married and was so glad that you treated my sister the way you did so when I met my husband, I would know how I wanted to be treated. You are such a great dad too and always make sure to be there for them and teach them how they should be. I'm grateful for your spirit and how strong you are in the church and that you work so hard! I'm grateful for the time you spend with our family and for your silly comments every now and then! Thanks for being a great brother in law, love you lots!
Well, with siblings comes awesome, cute blessings, that I get to call nieces and nephews!
Grant, Avery, Jossy: You guys are the best, Grant is always there to show us how to be strong and try your hardest. You love learning new things and showing everybody how it works, you are a great big brother and love your sisters so much which is so great to see! Avery (as shown by this picture) you have the BEST personality! You are so sweet and silly but know when to be loving and caring too! Jossy, you are so sassy and fun! I'm so grateful for your personality and showing that feisty can be a good thing! You are the perfect amount of sassy and loving. I love you guys so much, thank you for giving Liam buddies that he will have for the rest of his life!
Kael, Jett, Jake, Jaxyn, and Kameron: I wish so badly I could see you guys more often but every time I do, you guys bring me a joy in my heart and are so fun to play with. You are all getting so big and growing up so fast! I love how in every picture I see of you guys, you are all hugging each other or smiling from ear to ear, you guys have such happy, sweet spirits about you and I can't wait to see you cuties again! I love you guys lots!
All right you guys, I'm pretty sure I could write a whole blog post just on these two beautiful woman!
KaLin: Gosh I love you my dear! You have been my friend forever and seriously feel like a sister to me! I love that you are so silly and can still make me laugh! We could not see each other for a month and as soon as I see you, it's like nothing has changed, I can talk so easily with you and I love talking to you about anything! I'm so lucky you stuck by me, I know I've been crazy, we've had our fights, we've had our trials together and separate but you have never changed your personality towards me or your loyalty to me and that's why I know we will be friends for a long time to come. You helped me though more than I think you'll ever know! I love that I have Liam and I don't feel weird to call you up and ask if you want to hang out with both of us! You are so great with him and like we know, he loves you like crazy! Thank you for being such a great friend, thank you for the laughs, the long talks and the hugs, thank you for showing me what a true friendship is like! I love you so much and I'm so grateful you are in my life!
Kara: I love love love your personality! Have I ever told you how great you are? Case I haven't, you're seriously amazing. You were always the peace maker of our group, you didn't want us to fight, you didn't want us sad, and you never let us give up on each other. You bring us together, you make us laugh when we feel like life is being too hard on us, you make us realize how lucky we are to just be alive and how loved we are. You were always the one talking sense into our crazy heads and still making us laugh and live to the fullest. You have always been a great example to me, you have shown me what it means to be a woman who respects herself and knows who she is. I was always amazed at how upbeat you were, I had so many times where I felt lost but you always helped me find my true self and you always stay so positive about life. Your strength in the gospel always amazed me, you never faltered, you always had a strong testimony and would remind me how lucky we are to just be alive and now, I just know how lucky I am to have you in my life. I couldn't live without you and I can't imagine how different my life would have been without you! Love you so much buddy, thanks for being my forever friend!

Okay, I don't even know how to start with this handsome guy right here but know, it's gonna be mushy!
Colton: Honey, I love you more than almost anything on this Earth (our boys are tied with ya! lol) I literally can't imagine my life without you. I remember when I was in high school or before meeting you, I would sometimes just lay in bed at night and wonder about the man I was going to marry. Is he going to be cute? ;) Is he going to have long talks with me? Is he going to love me for me? Now I lay in bed, smiling every night, wondering how did I get so lucky? Did he really pick me? I can't believe I get to be this happy for all of eternity! Oh and yes, You are cute like I had hoped for! ;) When I said "I do" four years ago I didn't know the trials we'd face, the amazing memories we'd make, the many times you'd comfort me and make my life completely better again.I love that I can be silly with you, I love that I can tell you the flat out truth and you just let me and accept it, I love that you make me smile even on my worst days, I love that you don't make me feel weird or crazy, You're always on my side and sticking up for me and our family. You give the BEST hugs and I never want you to let go, You still make my knees weak when you kiss me, You still know just what to say so my whole day is made, You are seriously amazing. I don't even know that I fully knew who I was before I met you, you helped me find myself, love myself, and better myself. Because of you, I want to be a better woman, a better wife, a better mom, a better everything but I know that the days I'm not my best, you'll still love me and that is a pretty amazing feeling. Colt, you have the most AMAZING personality! I would be SO proud if our sons turned out just like you because you are the most perfect amount of everything. You are sweet, you're incredibly handsome, you're loving, you are silly, you're an amazing daddy, an amazing husband, a respectful son, a protective and fun brother, a great man of the gospel, and my everything. You've held me up when I couldn't walk alone in trials, you've never forgotten to tell me how much you love me, you always tell me I look beautiful and actually make me believe it, you're work ethic is insane, you never give up just because things are hard, you honestly amaze me. I never want to imagine my life without you because, it wouldn't be my life. I am so blessed to have you as my husband and for eternity. I love you with all my being and I always always will! Thank you for picking me to be yours honey! I consider you one of my biggest blessings!

Oh man, this kid.. really this kid though..
Liam: Sweet boy, I know you won't understand this right now or read this but I can't imagine life without my buddy. I remember when I was pregnant with you, I'd be awake at 2 A.M. cuz you were kicking so much (I know, crazy that YOU were active right? lol) I would sit up in bed and just wonder about you. What would you look like, how would you be as a kid? Will you be a sweet kid? I never knew really how much you would change my life for the better. You, without fail, make me smile and laugh every day, you make my whole heart happy and know what it means to be whole. When we lost your sweet little brother, I was having such a hard time leaving that hospital without him. Then I pulled up to our house and my heart fluttered, I was so excited to see you, we came in to the biggest smile and tightest hugs and somehow, my heart started healing that day. You are so close to our Heavenly Father and I know it because when we were at the funeral for your brother the next day, you saw the same small light break through the clouds that I did and you pointed to it, smiled at me and I knew, you knew your brother was okay. You gave me a hug and kiss and said you loved me. You know when I need your hugs and even when our family needs your hugs, you're my feisty, crazy, silly, fun, sweet boy and I would be lost without you, thank you for choosing us to be your parents. I love you with all my heart sweet Liam!

I miss and cherish this kid every single day and can't wait to see him again someday!
Gabriel: My dear dear angel, I miss you so deeply. I remember for a long time I felt stupid or silly for putting up our pregnancy so soon and then having to tell everyone we lost you. Now I look back so grateful that I did, just because we didn't get to keep you on Earth doesn't mean you weren't special, I'm glad we celebrated your life while you had one, I'm glad I was able to hold you and be what you needed to receive a body to return to your Father in Heaven. I KNOW you watch over us daily and that you love us because I can feel your love on the hard days when I miss you and suddenly have a warm feeling all around me. I love you so much my little one and I can't wait to raise you in Heaven and have you for eternity!
This is a bit of a mix, I'm grateful for baby #3 and for pregnancy!
Baby boy: I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant, the first test I took was too soon so it showed a negative and I was so bummed. Then, a week later I felt a strong feeling to take another test, I took it and it said I was pregnant! I took another, and another just to make sure, I cried with your daddy for a timeless moment and then smiled and just knew I was so blessed to have you! I don't care if I ache, I don't care if I get heartburn now and then, I don't even care about the weight, that's all nothing compared to the miracle happening in my tummy right now! I can't wait to meet you sweetie and I'm so so happy to have another son in our family!
Alright, I definitely can't do this post without these guys! I seriously lucked out you guys!
Chad: I miss you, I know things have been rough, I think we have the same feisty personality and that sometimes has made us butt heads but I love you and I'm grateful for a father in law who has had respect for me and treated me kind and with love. I'm grateful for you being patient with Liam, you love to teach him and show him new things and I'm so grateful for that! I love you and I'm blessed to have an awesome father in law like you!
Lisa: You are seriously so great! You are so sweet and never cease to amaze me with your testimony of our gospel. You have gone through so much and you never "blame" God or let it get in the way of you going to church and doing what you should. You are SO patient with your kids and have shown me what it means to be Christ like with your family and those around you, you are so fun to be around, you always try to keep your family happy and always care about their needs before your own. Your sweet spirit amazes me everyday and I'm so lucky to have a mother in law who just welcomed me with open arms and never made me feel unloved or unwelcome, thank you for being you and always showing me love in your family! I love you so much!
Erika: Yeesh I love ya! You are so great! I love how much you care for your family, you always want to make sure other people are okay before you. You're so selfless and sweet and always look out for everyone. You are such a great aunt to Liam and are always willing to help him when he needs it, you know how to make him laugh and he can sense your loving personality just like I can. I love when we can just talk about life and tell fun stories. I love that you always give us hugs and make me feel so comfortable around you guys and so loved! You have shown me what it's like to keep a great innocence in your life and just be grateful for what you have. You always help your family and I have always noticed it but you don't want anything in return, just to be a great person and help those who need it! Thank you for being such a great sister in law to me always! I love you lots!
Derrick: I know I haven't known you long but I love that it doesn't feel like that, I feel like you've just always been there and have always been nice to me. You are so amazing with Erika, you guys just fit and make sense together and I am so grateful that she found you! Thank you for always being so happy and keeping things light and positive in our family! You have a great personality and a contagious laugh, you have a great testimony of the church and don't mind sharing it with people! I love you and I'm grateful for you and your wonderful, respectful spirit!
Kamille: I'm so glad we were able to see you recently! I think the one thing about your personality is you never get sick of being around you! It felt like nothing had changed when we saw you and yet seeing you never feels like enough time. I always want to be around you and your contagious positive, fun, attitude. I'm so grateful for the time we have had together and how much you care about your family. You have the most poised and perfect attitude about you. You are so sweet and caring and know when you need to stick up for people. You know who you are and what you stand for and that has always impressed me! Thank you for always making me feel welcome and always being the light in the room! You're outlook on life has always been amazing and positive and though we just saw you, I miss you like crazy! I love you so much!
Zac: I know we've only met a few times but I was so happy to have you here recently and to get to know you a little better. The one big thing I have noticed about you is that you are seriously witty, you're funny and just mesh with Kamille so perfectly. You are also VERY respectful to your wife and everyone else. You do nice things without even being asked and even might not get recognized for it but I saw a lot of that when you were here. You are so sweet to Kamille and always looking out for her, you love your friends and those around you and are all around just awesome! Love you and I'm glad we've gotten to know each other a little more!
Dallan: Awe! I love you man! I have never had a little brother and though you are pretty close to my age, I love having you around! I love how funny you are and how happy you make everyone around you! You have always been my buddy and just treated me like family! I love that I can just hang out with you and it feels like I've known you forever! You are so respectful to woman and really everyone you meet. You are a hard working man and care so much about your family! I love that I can just text you and that you are willing to text me about your life and make me feel like a part of your life. Thank you for always being the one to make me feel comfortable in your home and making us feel welcome. Thank you for being so patient with Liam, you are so great with him and I'm glad he has you as an uncle! I love you and I'm so grateful for you being a part of my life!

I'm pretty sure I could go on and on, for those of you who aren't here, you ARE thought of! I'm grateful for SO many other people! I love you all and hope I tell you enough how much you mean to me! I'm grateful for a Father in Heaven who blesses me everyday with more than I can comprehend and more than I feel like I deserve. I'm grateful for a knowledge of the church and eternal families. I'm grateful for a wonderful home and health and food. I'm grateful for the things that I might take for granted but know that they are there! Please remember tomorrow is about SO much more than turkey and good shopping deals, look around you, see how much God has given you, and be grateful for it. I love you all and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!!